Call for Applications to the Teaching Fellows Program Announced

The Division of the Social Sciences invites applications from current and recent University of Chicago graduate students in the Division for a competitive two-year program designed to enhance their pedagogical skills and research profiles. (Direct link to Application)
In order to be eligible for the Teaching Fellows in the Social Sciences program (TFSS) applicants must:
- have received or be on track to complete and receive the PhD within 8 years of matriculation into a PhD program of the Social Sciences Division, as confirmed by the chair of the department;
- graduate no later than August, 2020, and no earlier than August, 2019. To fulfill this requirement, all departmental requirements for the PhD must be fulfilled and the dissertation filed by the university's summer, 2020 deadline (which is Friday, July 31).
- identify a faculty sponsor who will commit to participate fully as a mentor during the program. Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek out a faculty mentor who is not the dissertation chair.
Additionally, and as a special expansion for this application cycle, the Division invites applications from students who will have graduated no later than August, 2020 and no earlier than August, 2019, and have completed the PhD in 9-12 years of initial matriculation into the PhD program. The second and third bullets above apply to these applicants. (Direct link to Application for Expanded Call)