East Asia by the Book! CEAS Author Talks ft. Tarryn Li-Min Chun (University of Notre Dame)
Revolutionary Stagecraft Theater, Technology, and Politics in Modern China
Thursday, February 13, 2025 | 4 pm CST
Seminary Co-op Bookstores, 5751 South Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, IL 60637
Score a FREE copy of Tarryn Li-Min Chun’s book!
The first (5) University of Chicago students (currently enrolled) who register to attend the event will receive their very own copy, compliments of the Center for East Asian Studies! Please click HERE to register and for more information.
This event is presented in partnership with the Seminary Co-op Bookstores and sponsored by the University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies.
HPS Workshop - Parysa Mostajir (Case Western) - “Reimagining the Concept of Technology.”
Bharat Jayram Venkat
February 17, 2025 3:00 PM 315 Haskell Hall
Continents Apart: Disability, Thermal Inequality, and the Narrowing of Worlds Dr. Bharat Jayram Venkat University of California, Los Angeles
ABSTRACT: For some people, climate change has quite literally made their world smaller. This talk focuses on the ways in which rising temperatures have reshaped how certain people—frequently disabled and/or experiencing chronic illness—relate to their bodies, their homes, and their worlds. Drawing on research with people who experience thermoregulatory symptoms, I argue that the narrowing of the world is both a consequence of how heat disproportionately impacts disabled people and a strategy utilized by disabled people to survive in what are increasingly hostile climates.
BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Bharat Jayram Venkat is an Associate Professor at UCLA with a joint appointment spanning the Department of Anthropology, the Department of History, and the Institute for Society & Genetics. His first book, At the Limits of Cure (Duke University Press, 2021; Bloomsbury India, 2022), is the winner of three awards: the RAI Wellcome Medal (from the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Wellcome Trust), the Edie Turner Book Prize for Ethnographic Writing (from the Society for Humanistic Anthropology), and the Joseph W. Elder Prize in the Indian Social Sciences (from the American Institute of Indian Studies). His current book project—titled Swelter: The Fate of Our Bodies in a Warming World—is about thermal inequality, the history of heat, and the plight of our bodies in a swiftly warming world riven by inequality. This book reflects on the existential and planetary crisis posed by extreme heat, but from the perspective of our bodies as they experience this crisis. Swelter will be published by Crown in the United States, and Picador in the United Kingdom. Dr. Venkat is also the founding director of the UCLA Heat Lab. His work has been funded by the American Council for Learned Societies, the Social Science Research Council, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the American Institute for Indian Studies, and most recently, by a five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Career Award, which is the NSF’s most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty.
Please join us for a reception on Haskell’s mezzanine immediately following Dr. Venkat’s talk.
CEAS Lecture Series ft. Victor Seow (Harvard University)
“The Human Factor: Industrial Psychology in China, 1930s to 1990s”
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 | 5:00 pm
Joseph Regenstein Library, Room 122 1100 E. 57th St. Chicago, IL 60637
Please click HERE to register and for more information!
This event is co-sponsored with the University of Chicago Library and the Center for East Asian Studies.
East Asia by the Book! CEAS Author Talks ft. Jeffrey Tharsen (University of Chicago)
Chinese Euphonics: Phonological Patterns, Phonorhetoric and Literary Artistry in Early Chinese Narrative Texts
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 12 pm CST
Seminary Co-op Bookstores, 5751 South Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, IL 60637
Score a FREE copy of Jeffrey Tharsen’s book!
The first (2) University of Chicago students (currently enrolled) who register to attend the event will receive their very own copy, compliments of the Center for East Asian Studies! Please Click HERE to register and for more information!
This event is presented in partnership with the Seminary Co-op Bookstores and sponsored by the University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies.
Seminar on Important Things (SOIT)
Krystal A. Smalls
February 24, 2025 3:00 PM 315 Haskell Hall Dr. Krystal A. Smalls University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
RDI Diasporas Workshop: Lok Siu
East Asia by the Book! CEAS Author Talks ft. Giorgio Biancorosso (University of Hong Kong)
Remixing Wong Kar-wai: Music, Bricolage, and the Aesthetics of Oblivion
Thursday, February 27, 2025 | 5 pm CST
Franke Institute for the Humanities, 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, IL 60637
Score a FREE copy of Giorgio Biancorosso’s book!
The first (5) University of Chicago students (currently enrolled) who register to attend the event will receive their very own copy, compliments of the Center for East Asian Studies! Please click HERE to register and for more information!
This event is presented in partnership with the Seminary Co-op Bookstores and sponsored by the University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies.