First Year Scholars Program

The First Year Scholars program supports the intellectual and professional development of first year doctoral students in the Division, further building our community of scholars. Participating students will also have the opportunity to engage in supported and mentored summer research experiences. A link to the application to join the program will be sent to all incoming PhD students within the Division.

Goals and Objectives:

The goals of SSD Scholars Program:

  1. Empower students to strategically plan and take control for their graduate education, and build intellectual community.
  2. Foster a strong cohort among first year students across the Division of the Social Sciences.

To achieve these goals, the program:

  1. Provides academic, social, and professional development opportunities.
  2. Eases the transition of incoming graduate students in SSD.
  3. Builds awareness of university resources.
  4. Promotes mental health wellbeing and raise awareness of mental health resources.
  5. Helps students find community in and outside of the university.

Students will come together monthly for workshops, meetings, and socials with faculty and other doctoral students. Programing will also draw on resources from UChicagoGRAD, Student Health and Wellness, and the Center for Civic Engagement. 

All participating students can apply for mentored summer research grants in the summer following their participation in the program.

For more information, contact Chaevia Clendinen, Associate Dean for Student Advancement and Diversity.

2022-23 First Year Scholars
Student Name, PhD Program

Kevin Angell, Political Economy

Sofia Butnaru, Sociology

Shiyan Cao, Political Economy

Peyton Cunningham, Sociology

Sündüz Divle, Economics

Ashley Jackson, Anthropology

Yuchen Jin, Comparative Human Development

Daniela Juarez, Sociology

Margot Lurie, Sociology

Alexandra Maces, Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science

Alex Mackiel, Psychology

Eric Milstein, Economics

Daniel Muras, Anthropology

Natalia Niedmann Alvarez, History

Sabina Raja, Psychology

Lina Ramirez, Economics

Matthew Rossi. Anthropology

Alexandre Simoes Gomes Junior, Economics

Uli Solovieva, Psychology

Alexander Tippett, Political Science

Nishan Varatharajan, Social Thought