New Professor Shigehiro Oishi among 19 UChicago faculty who received named, distinguished service professorships

June 28, 2022 (last updated on December 10, 2024)

view from harper quadrangle facing towards rosenwald hall

This story has been adapted to highlight faculty from the Division of the Social Sciences. Read the full article from UChicago News, including the rest of the faculty from across the university here.

Nineteen University of Chicago faculty members have received distinguished service professorships or named professorships.

Profs. Marshall Chin, Thomas Ginsburg, Robert Kendrick, Ernst Lengyel, Christian Leuz and Jason Merchant have received distinguished service professorships.

Profs. Matthew Boyle, Jacob Goldin, Colleen M. Grogan, Tara O. Henderson, Sherwin S.W. Ho, Karen Kim, Guido Lorenzoni, Noémie Ndiaye, Shigehiro Oishi, Adriana Robertson, Tobin Sosnick, Gil Stein and Alan C. L. Yu have received named professorships.

All appointments are effective July 1, unless otherwise noted.

Social Sciences Division

Shigehiro Oishi has been named the Marshall Field IV Professor in the Department of Psychology and the College.

Professor Shigehiro Oishi

Oishi will join UChicago on July 1 from the University of Virginia, where he has taught since 2004. A leader in the study of happiness, psychological well-being, the experience of a meaningful life and cultural psychology, Oishi’s research program is distinctive in its methodological range and ingenuity as well as its broad theoretical reach. Currently, he is focused on the effects of economic inequality and residential mobility on the well-being of individuals and communities.

His work has been recognized by major awards, including the 2021 Outstanding Achievement Award for Advancing Cultural Psychology, awarded by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. He also recently received a Templeton Foundation Grand Challenges Grant. Oishi earned his bachelor's degree from International Christian University in Tokyo, his master’s from Columbia University and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Read more about the other faculty to receive named / distinguished service professorships here.