Student Executive Committee (SEC)

Five PhD students and two MA students comprise the Social Sciences Student Executive Committee (SEC). The SEC serves as divisional representation on Graduate Council, serving as the collective voice of students regarding issues before Grad Council. An independent student organization, the SEC chooses two of its members to fill the two Grad Council seats allocated to the Division, and as a committee, it determines the positions the division will take on Grad Council debates and votes. Members of the SEC interact with other aspects of Grad Council business as well as with students in the Division interested in Grad Council issues.

The SEC also serves as a student voice in divisional programming that involves both PhD and MA students. Primary among this function is the evaluation of applications for Student Affinity Organizations (SAO). Applications to establish SAO’s are evaluated and recommended by the SEC for approval by the Dean of Students. 

The SEC offers a robust channel of communication for students to interact in focused and productive ways with both Grad Council and with the Division of the Social Sciences.

2020-2021 Members

Natalie Dowling - Comparative Human Development
Yingxuan Liu - Computational Social Science
Mat Messerschmidt - Social Thought
Madeleine Oswald - Psychology
Anna Rumer - International Relations
Catherine Stockalper - MAPSS
Colleen Wohlrab - Psychology