Hiring a Teaching Assistant or Instructional Grader

If you need to hire a Teaching Assistant or Grader notify the UG or Graduate Student Administrator. The Econ HR team will initiate the hiring process and provide an appointment letter to the student.

Undergraduate Courses

If you know who you want to hire, email Julie Wong, juliew@uchicago.edu, Undergraduate Student Administrator with the student’s full name, email address, and the course title and/or number. Copy HR Coordinator, Marci Avila, avilam@uchicago.edu.

If you do not have a student to hire reach out to Julie Wong. The department has implemented a system to recruit qualified teaching assistants and graders for UG courses. This effort has created an applicant pool from which you can review applicant materials and interview for your open position.

Graduate Courses

If you know who you want to hire, email Kate Falzareno, kfalzareno@uchicago.edu, Graduate Student Administrator with the student’s full name, email address, and the course title and/or number. Copy HR Coordinator, Marci Avila, avilam@uchicago.edu. Per the new PhD Student MTE Teaching Rules, all PhD students must be evaluated by Kate Falzareno to ensure they are eligible to be a TA or Grader. If the student is not eligible you will be contacted to select another student.

The student needs to complete the Student Employment Hiring Form.

Contact Marci Avila, avilam@uchicago.edu, or Joy Serletic, jserletic@uchicago.edu with questions.