Proposal Submission Timeline

5–6 Months
before sponsor due date
- Identify solicitation and inform Research Development (RD) Team of intent to submit
- Email Program Officer with project overview to confirm alignment
- Ensure annual financial disclosure is up-to-date
- Complete CITI training (NIH only)

3–4 Months
before sponsor due date
- Identify project purpose, goals/aims, scope
- Confirm collaborators and assign project roles (senior personnel, subawardees, etc.)
- Determine human and animal requirements (if applicable)
- Have “kick-start” meeting with RD team to develop a project timeline, and access templates and best practices

6–8 Weeks
before sponsor due date
- Prepare budget and budget justification with RD team
- Connect RD team with collaborators to collect subaward materials and collaboration letters
- RD team to collect senior personnel documents (e.g., biosketches, affiliations, current/pending support)
- Draft narrative sections of the proposal

3–5 Weeks
before sponsor due date
- Finalize budget and budget justification
- Send draft narrative sections to RD team for review and editing
- Incorporate change and edits into narrative sections

2 Weeks
before sponsor due date
- Provide all final documents to RD team (note: only minor edits may be made to proposal narrative after package is submitted for URA review)
- Submit assurances for the proposal in AURA (grants portal)
- RD team routes proposal through AURA for University Research Administration (URA) review

1 Week
before sponsor due date
- Address all URA comments
- Send any corrected documents and FINAL narrative to RD team

1–2 Days
before sponsor due date
- Review PDF of final proposal package (provided by RD team)
- Confirm proposal is ready for submission