Faculty Research Funding Opportunities

The SSRC maintains curated research resource guides and additional lists and FAQs relevant to social scientists in search of funding (below).

If you are interested in working with the research development team to create an individualized strategic funding plan to support your research agenda, please contact Cate Goebel, Associate Dean for Research & Strategic Initiatives.

Finding External Funding

ProQuest’s Pivot is a funding database that provides information about more than $44 billion in funding opportunities from federal, non-federal, foundation, corporate, and other private sponsors across a wide variety of disciplines. Use Pivot to create your own user profile, save search criteria, and receive customized weekly updates on new and upcoming funding opportunities.

Internal Funding

Becker Friedman Institute Data Acquisition Grants
Acquisition, management, and maintenance of data sets for research projects in economics
Anticipated deadline: January 2025

Becker Friedman Institute The Weiss Fund for Research in Development Economics
Research that will positively affect the lives of poor people in poor countries
Deadline: August 2024

The Big Ideas Generator BIG Seed Funding Program
Workshops, exploratory research, and research intensive projects in any field of scholarly inquiry
Anticipated deadline: Spring 2025

Center for Health Administration StudiesFaculty Seed Grants
Health services and policy research with high potential impact on health services and policies affecting disadvantaged people
Anticipated deadline: Spring 2025

Center for International Social Science ResearchFaculty Research
Individual and collaborative international, transnational, and global research projects on contemporary and historical questions
Anticipated deadline: December 2024

Center for International Social Science Research Faculty Publications
Manuscripts 1) focused on international, transnational, or global issues and 2) using social scientific methods
Rolling deadline

Center in Paris—International Institute of Research in ParisFaculty Grants
Research programs and development of scholarly or creative networks in Paris and throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Anticipated deadline: March 2025

Chapin HallJoint Research Fund
Research partnerships to promote the well-being of vulnerable children and youth, their families, and communities
Anticipated deadline: February 2025 LOI; March 2025 Application

Council on Advanced StudiesWorkshop or Study Group
Seed money for interdisciplinary study groups and one-quarter-long workshops for faculty and students
Anticipated deadline: April 2025

Data Science Institute Research Funding
Funding for early-stage, transformative data science research; multiple programs,  including Discovery Challenge, Discovery Grant, and seed funding related to Data & Democracy Initiative
Anticipated deadline: Winter 2025

France Chicago CenterSupport for Faculty
France Chicago Center’s mission is to facilitate, promote, and foster stronger ties between UChicago and colleagues in France, while increasing awareness within the UChicago community of French culture, art, and thought
Deadline: Up to $1,000: Rolling; $1,001–$2,500: First Wednesday of each quarter; $2,501–$7,500: April 21, 2025

Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation
Long programs, workshops, interdisciplinary research clusters, and research collaboration workshops involving the mathematical sciences and related to IMSI’s themes of climate science, data & information, health care & medicine, materials science, quantum computing & information, and uncertainty quantification
Anticipated deadlines: March 15 and September 15

Institute for Translational MedicinePilot Awards
Novel, innovative, and/or multidisciplinary translational health research
Anticipated deadline: Fall LOI; Spring Application

Kiphart Center for Global Health and Social Development – Fund for Research and Innovation 
Proposals to respond to global challenges to promote the health and well-being of vulnerable populations around the world
Anticipated deadline: February 2025

Mansueto Institute for Urban InnovationUrban Innovation Grants
Proposals to build new fundamental knowledge about cities and urbanization are encouraged from faculty across disciplines, addressing issues of urbanism through any regional, topical, or theoretical lens.
Anticipated deadline: Next cycle is forthcoming

Neubauer Collegium Faculty Research
Interdisciplinary collaborative research and visiting fellow projects informed by a humanistic perspective
Anticipated deadline: October 2024

Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global ConflictsResearch and Innovation Fund
Innovative, data-driven research focused on understanding and reducing global conflict and on public policy impact
Anticipated deadline: December 2024

Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and InnovationGeorge Shultz Innovation Fund
Helps turn research into useful applications and profitable ventures
Anticipated deadlines: Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025

Social Sciences Research CenterFaculty Seed Grant Program
One- to two-year seed grants to faculty in SSD intended to support early or novel stage research, with a special focus on research projects that exceed the boundaries of any one discipline
Anticipated deadline: Winter 2025

Third Coast Center for AIDS Research (Third Coast CFAR)
BCRT Services Voucher Program
To support HIV research through use of services offered by the BSIS Core’s Biostatistics and Computational Resources Team (BCRT); up to 20 hours of biostatistical or analytic services free of charge
Rolling deadline
Core Subsidy Awards
Rapid funding mechanism to support time-sensitive opportunities where a small amount of funding will allow new analyses or data collection that will enhance an NIH grant application
Rolling deadline
Pilot Awards
Preliminary studies in HIV-related basic, clinical, social or behavioral research that will lead to new NIH grant submissions
Anticipated deadline: March 2025
Community Collaborative Awards
To support the exploration or development of new partnerships between community organizations and CFAR faculty members; proposals focus on the development of academic-community partnerships that can lead to high priority HIV research projects in the future
Anticipated deadline: Summer 2024

Provost’s Global Faculty AwardsMainland China, India & South Asia, Hong Kong & East Asia, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa
Conferences, events, research with a collaborative element in mainland China, Hong Kong and East Asia, South Asia, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa
Anticipated deadline: February 2025

Women’s Board Grants Fund
Faculty research, student life, arts and cultural institutions and community outreach efforts
Anticipated deadline: Spring 2025


Depending on your research goals and eligibility, fellowships may provide salary support, travel and/or living costs, and funds for project expenses for one academic year. Securing a prestigious fellowship is also a mark of distinction for your academic career. Faculty in the Division of the Social Sciences considering research leave are encouraged to apply for fellowships in order to extend their research leave for the full academic year by securing external support to cover at least 50% of their base salary or a minimum award amount of $50,000. Please refer to the Division Faculty Leave Policy for more detail.

Fellowships often have long review periods so it is necessary to begin considering applications 18–24 months prior to the anticipated start date of the Research Leave. Selection criteria vary from award to award, but generally, strong candidates possess a rigorous research plan and strong research accomplishments that are well-aligned with the funding agency’s priorities. Applicants should be prepared to provide the following proposal materials:

  • Project Description and Research Plan
  • Project Budget
  • Project Timeline
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • CV

Some fellowship opportunities are by invitation only, and require that the University run a central selection process to identify a single nominee. Such calls will be shared via email with faculty as they arise.

The Research Development team can help you identify additional fellowship opportunities, advise on proposal development, provide samples of successful proposals, and help prepare application materials.

Contact us to get started!

Cate Goebel, Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives
June Hou, Senior Associate Director of Research Development

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation – Sloan Research Fellows
Tenure-­track faculty with research interest in economics or neuroscience; must be nominated by department chair or senior researcher, up to 3 candidates per department
Award: $75K
Anticipated deadline: September 2024

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship Program
Offers a number of fellowships for junior scholars in humanities and related social sciences
Award: $60K
Anticipated deadline: September 2024

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) – Stanford
Senior scholars and recently tenured scholars; residency required
Award: Up to 50% salary support ($81K max.)
Anticipated deadline: November 2024

Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) – Princeton
Junior and senior scholars across the social sciences; 2024–25 theme: The Politics of Migration and Displacement as a Form of Life; residency required 
Award: Up to 50% salary support ($78K max.)
Anticipated deadline: October 2024

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship
Advanced scholars with significant publications; all disciplines
Award: Amount varies
Anticipated deadline: September 2024

NEH Fellowship
Advanced research of value to humanities scholars and general audiences 
Award: $5K/month; maximum stipend of $60K for 12-month period
Anticipated deadline: April 2025 for projects beginning January 1, 2026

Institute for Ethics and the Common Good – Faculty Fellowship
Researchers working on interdisciplinary projects related to its yearly theme; 2024–25 theme: The Good Life; residency required
Award: Up to 50% salary support ($75K max), subsidized housing, and a research allowance of up to $500 per semester
Anticipated deadline: October 2024

Radcliffe Institute – Fellowship Program
Supports research from any discipline; focus areas of women, gender, and society; climate change and its human impacts; legacies of slavery; residency required
Award: Up to $78K for one academic year plus $5K for project expenses
Anticipated deadline: September 2024

Russell Sage Foundation – Visiting Scholars Program
Research projects on behavioral science and decision making; future of work; race, ethnicity, and immigration; social, political and economic inequality; residency required
Award: Up to 50% salary support ($125K max.)
Anticipated deadline: June 2024 LOI deadline for 2025–26 residency

Spencer Foundation – Postdoctoral Fellowship
Researchers who received PhD within last five years, and conduct research related to education
Award: $70K
Anticipated deadline: Autumn 2025

Wenner-Gren Foundation – Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship
Researchers who received PhD within last 10 years and wish to write up already completed basic research in anthropology 
Award: $40K
Anticipated deadline: May 1, 2024

Federal Funding

NIH’s twenty-four Institutes and Centers (IC) provide funding through the mechanisms listed below. Common social science IC include: National Institute on Aging (NIH), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).

K99/R00 K Pathway to Independence Award
Provides up to five years of support consisting of two phases: 1–2 years of mentored support for highly promising, postdoctoral research scientists and up to 3 years of independent support contingent on securing an independent research position
Deadlines: New – February 12, June 12, October 12 | Renewal or Resubmission – March 12, July 12, November 12

R01 Research Project Grant Program
Used by all NIH Institutes and Centers to support a discrete, specified, circumscribed research project
Deadlines: New – February 5, October 5, June 5  | Renewal or Resubmission – March 5, July 5, November 5

R03 Small Grant Program
Supports small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources
New – October 16, February 16, June 16 | Renewal or Resubmission – November 16, March 16, July 16

R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award
Encourages new, exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early stages of project development
Deadlines: New – February 16, June 16, October 16 | Renewal or Resubmission – March 16, July 16, November 16

View all NIH funding opportunities

Collaborative Research Grants
Humanistic collaborations (including with social scientists); small grants to convene working groups and large grants to produce traditional or digital publications/products
Deadline: November 27, 2024 | Expected notification date: August 31, 2025

Digital Humanities Advancement Grant
Innovative, experimental, and/or computationally challenging digital projects that can enhance scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities, from early start-up phases through implementation and long-term sustainability
Deadline: June 13, 2024

Institutes for Higher Education Faculty
1–4 week residential programs designed for college and university faculty to deepen understanding of select topics in the humanities
Deadline: February 12, 2025 (anticipated) | Expected notification date: August 31, 2025

Public Scholars Fellowship
Well-researched books in the humanities intended to reach a broad readership
Deadline: Next cycle is forthcoming | Expected notification date: April 15, 2025

View all NEH funding opportunities

Accountable Institutions and Behavior (AIB)
Basic research that advances knowledge and understanding of issues broadly related to attitudes, behaviors, and institutions connected to public policy and the provision of public services
Deadlines: January 15 and August 15, annually
Program Contacts: Brian Crisp and Lee D. Walker

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)
Supports early career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education, and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization
Deadline: Fourth Wednesday in July, annually
Program Contacts: Faculty Early CareerKristin Kuyuk (BCS), and Naomi Hall-Byers (SES)

Cognitive Neuroscience (CogNeuro)
Research aimed at increasing understanding of the neural mechanisms of human cognition, including attention, learning, memory, decision making, language, social cognition and emotions
Deadlines: February 3 and August 15 annually
Program contacts: Elizabeth F. ChuaDwight KravitzKenyatta Johnson

Cultural Anthropology
Fundamental, systematic anthropological research and training to increase understanding of the causes, consequences, and complexities of human social and cultural variability
Deadlines: January 15 and August 15, annually
Program contacts: Jeffrey Mantz, Jeremy Koster, Tarini Bedi, and Brittiney Cleveland

Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences (DRMS)
Scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society
Deadlines: January 21 and August 19, annually
Program contacts: Robert E. O’Connor and Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo

Developmental Sciences (DS)
Basic research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to human development across the lifespan
Deadlines: January 30, annually
Program contacts: Leher SinghAnna V. FisherTanika M. Malloy

Discovery Research Pre-K–12 (DRK 12)
Research and development of STEM education innovations to enhance the learning and teaching of STEM by preK-12 students and teachers 
Deadline: November 13, 2024
Contact: DRLDRK12@nsf.gov.

Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems (DISES)
Research that advances basic scientific understanding of integrated socio-environmental systems and the complex interactions within and among the environmental and human (“socio”) components of such a system
Deadline: Currently not accepting proposals
Contact: DISES@nsf.gov

Research designed to improve the understanding of the processes and institutions of the U.S. economy and its place in the global economy
Deadlines: January 21 and August 19, annually
Program contacts: Nancy LutzKwabena Gyimah-Brempong, and Eric Bahel

EHR Core Research (ECR:Core)
Fundamental research that contributes to the general, explanatory knowledge that underlies STEM education for learners of all groups and ages in formal and informal settings
Deadline: October 3, 2024
Contact: ECR@nsf.gov

Law & Science (LS)
Social scientific studies of the connections between law and law-like systems of rules, law and human behavior, as well as studies of how science and technology are applied in legal contexts
Deadlines: January 15 and August 1, annually
Program contacts: Reginald SheehanNaomi Hall-Byers, Susan Hirsch, and Mauricia Barnett

Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS)
Interdisciplinary program in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that supports the development of innovative, analytical, and statistical methods and models for those sciences
Deadlines: Last Thursday in January and last Thursday in August, annually
Program contact: Cheryl Eavey

Mid-Career Advancement (MCA)
Supports opportunities for scientists at the associate professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic partnerships
Windows: February 1–March 3, 2025
MCA Cognizant Program Officers: MCA.info@nsf.gov and Leslie J. Rissler

Perception, Action, Cognition (PAC)
Theoretically motivated research on a wide-range of topic areas related to typical human behavior with particular focus on perceptual, motor, and cognitive processes and their interactions
Research proposal window: January 15–February 3, 2025
Program contacts: Betty TullerSimon Fischer-Baum, and Angelica T. Brewer

Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Research that uses historical, philosophical, and social scientific methods to investigate the intellectual, material, and social facets of the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical (STEM) disciplines
Deadlines: August 4, 2024 and February 3, 2025
Program contacts: Frederick Kronz and Christine Leuenberger

Security and Preparedness (SAP)
Research and research infrastructure on issues broadly related to global and national security, including international conflict and dispute resolution, domestic political instability and civil war, and the security implications of climate change
Deadlines: January 15 and August 15, annually
Program contacts: James I. Walsh, Lee D. Walker, and Mauricia Barnett

Social Psychology
Research and infrastructure to advance knowledge of human social behavior, including neural and physiological patterns; thought and emotion processes; and intentions, actions and habits that explain ways of thinking about and relating to others
Deadlines: July 15, 2024 and January 15, 2025
Program contacts: Steven BrecklerAllen McConnell, and Tanika M. Malloy

Basic research on all forms of human social organization—societies, institutions, groups and demography—and processes of individual and institutional change
Deadline: Rolling
Program Officers: Joseph Whitmeyer, Mamadi Corra, and Antwan Jones

View all NSF Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate funding opportunities

Foundation Funding

Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
Supports research to increase understanding of causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression
Award: $15–$45K
Anticipated deadline: August 1, 2024

National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation
Supports research with potential to improve U.S. health care delivery, financing, management, and/or policy
Award: Up to $50K
Anticipated deadline: June 2024 LOI

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Supports evidence-based research and initiatives to address wide range of pressing community/societal health challenges in the U.S.
Multiple programs with varied deadlines

Russell Sage Foundation – Research Grants
Social science research related to behavioral economics, inequality, race and immigration, and the labor market
Award: $200K
Anticipated deadline: November 2024 LOI for August 1, 2025 grant start

Spencer Foundation
Supports innovative research on education through three mechanisms of varying scope and a research-practice partnership
Deadline varies depending on mechanism

Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Research that investigates the links between economic inequality and economic growth
Award: $25–$100K
Request for Proposals anticipated to open in November 2024

William T. Grant Foundation
Awards grants for research on reducing inequality and improving the use of research evidence focused on the outcomes of young people between the ages of 5 and 25 in the U.S.
Award: $100–$600K
Anticipated deadlines: Three award cycles: January, May, August