'Walkshed size' and its association with block pattern
B.A. Sandalack & F.G. Alaniz Uribe & A. Eshghzadeh Zanjani & A. Shiell & G.R. McCormack & P.K. Doyle-Baker, "Neighbourhood type and walkshed size," Journal of Urbanism 6 (2013): 3
The take-away: The key finding of this article is that ‘walkshed size’ is demonstrably largest in neighborhoods with a grid block pattern, and smallest in those with a curvilinear pattern. Calgary—as well as how these block patterns developed there through history—provides the evidence for this finding.
Abstract: Neighbourhood block pattern has been hypothesized to be a major factor in providing residents with the potential for walking. However, without an accurate tool to measure walksheds, this was not verifiable. Recent research, a portion of the EcoEUFORIA (Economic Evaluation of Urban Form to Increase Activity) project, provided techniques for accurately measuring walksheds, and allowed statistical analysis of a large data-set representing all the neighbourhoods in Calgary, Canada. This research demonstrates that walkshed size varies among neighbourhood types, with the grid block pattern being the most walkable, and the curvilinear pattern the least. Despite the growing body of knowledge regarding walkability, the prevailing practice is to continue to develop the less walkable curvilinear forms. This research has the potential to influence the development of planning policies that promote more walkable neighbourhood design, in that it illustrates clearly, and using a large data-set, the relationships between neighbourhood form and walkability.
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