Casey Ferrara Office: Phone: Email
Doctoral Student in Developmental Psychology


Casey is a doctoral student in the developmental program working with Dr. Susan Goldin-Meadow. She graduated in 2014 from Swarthmore College where she did research with Dr. Daniel Grodner on pragmatics and scalar implicature. She also collaborated on projects exploring literacy in deaf children with Dr. Donna Jo Napoli, who she continues to collaborate with, currently on studies of phonotactics in sign languages. After graduation she accepted a position as a research assistant at Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute where she studied post-stroke aphasia under Dr. Myrna Schwartz and Dr. Daniel Mirman. She then went on to study the role on the right hemisphere in language comprehension under Dr. Edward Wlotko and the neural substrates of conceptual combination under Dr. Sharon Thompson-Schill in 2017-2018.

Research Interests

Broadly, Casey's interests include sign and spoken language development, the interaction of gesture and language in sign and spoken languages, predictors of language outcomes in deaf and hearing children, language creation, and the effects of early brain injury on language and cognition.