Psychology Faculty Announcements
Can’t draw a mental picture? Aphantasia causes blind spots in the mind’s eye
By Max Witynski Study examines rare condition, which causes a lack of visual memory If you were asked to draw a picture of your grandpa...
December 10, 2024Announcements Student Psychology
Why scary movies are helping some people cope with the pandemic
This article was originally published by UChicago News. Read the story on their site here. PhD student Coltan Scrivner delves into the psychology...
December 10, 2024Announcements Faculty Psychology Sociology
A new math intervention helps narrow achievement gap among preschoolers
This article was originally published by UChicago News. Read the story on their site here. UChicago research helps teachers identify and address st...
December 10, 2024Announcements Faculty Anthropology Psychology
Michael Silverstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Established
The Michael Silverstein Memorial Fund is devoted to expanding access to anthropology at the University of Chicago and diversifying the scholarship wit...
December 10, 2024Announcements Psychology Faculty
How the way we talk both unites and divides us
This article was originally published by UChicago News. You can read the story on their site by clicking here. In new book, Prof. Katherine D. Kinz...
December 10, 2024