Employer Resources

Thinking beyond Traditional Boundaries

Many academic programs are quite narrow in the training they provide. Students are acculturated to a particular discipline, its dominant methodology, key figures, and current debates, and they learn to engage that audience on similar grounds. MAPSS is different.

We train our graduates to assess important research questions from multiple points of view “Perspectives in Social Science Analysis,” our core course, argues that familiar ways of partitioning social scientific inquiry - by discipline and subject area - can be highly inadequate in showing how real knowledge is produced.

Instead of assimilating our students to familiar modes of investigation, we give them the tools to decide which approaches work best for the problem they have in mind.

We equip our students to think critically about the methodologies they employ, and the data they collect, in order to draw viable, non-obvious inferences that improve our understanding of the social world.

Ultimately, we believe that the best answers to the most complex questions emerge from joining the right methodologies with the right data.


Employers and our Graduates

MAPSS alumni consistently receive high ratings from recruiters, who continue to recruit exclusively with our program because of the "outstanding preparation" and "career-ready transferrable skills" our graduates possess. Whether you are interested in a career in academia, government, international organizations, or the private sector, employers appreciate the interdisciplinary approach and diverse experiences UChicago's MAPSS degree provides. Many organizations actively pursue our graduate students through on campus interviews, information sessions, targeted outreach, and job postings. Throughout the year, we also hold MAPSS-specific career events to further cultivate student-employer connections.


Recruit MAPSS Graduates

If your organization depends on talented, open-minded, and creative persons who can address problems and validate solutions with the latest research methodologies, we would like to introduce you to our graduates.

We want to connect you with high-potential candidates who will excel in the roles you have available.

To do that, we need to know a bit more about the positions you have available, and what qualities you hope to find in the MAPSS candidates you hire.

Opportunity Postings and Resume Referral: Career Services promotes job and internship opportunities in the weekly student digest we send out to our MA cohort and via our career management system, MA Connect. Our office will also share jobs with UChicagoGRAD, a centralized University resource, upon request. Because all employers are not able to conduct interviews on-campus, Career Services will customize the service we provide to meet employer needs, including resume collection and referral.

Internships & Externships: Internships give employers the opportunity to recruit top talent and create a pipeline for future hires. Generally, internships last weeks, months, or quarters (i.e., Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer). These experiences allow students to work in the employment setting to gain a greater understanding of the culture and potential career paths, and to experience day-to-day operations. Externships are shorter experiences, usually project-based, that allow students to spend up to several weeks working on a specific problem or project determined by the employer.


Contact MAPSS Career Services

We encourage you to give us a call. When you are ready to recruit, we will tailor the information you provide to draw the best possible candidates, and encourage their applications.

To post an opportunity, please submit your announcement via email. For more information, or to set up a recruiting event, please contact Shelly Robinson, Senior Director of MA Career Services (slrobins@uchicago.edu).