The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics is one of the world's foremost economics departments, and its faculty are renowned for their seminal contributions to the field, achievements recognized with numerous Nobel Prizes, Clark Medals, and other distinctions. Students admitted to doctoral studies research, interact daily with the faculty, as well as fellow graduate students, and pursue their own interests, thus furthering their own scholarship and research, ultimately continuing to shape the discipline itself.

The Department of Economics receives 600-700 applications for an entering class of 20-25 students per year. The number of well-qualified applicants exceeds the number of offers we can make. Nevertheless, we still strongly encourage those interested in graduate economic study to apply.


Sofia Shchukina, Department PhD Student, Awarded Funding through UChicago GRAD PhD Advance Program

Sofia Shchukina Awarded Funding through UChicagoGRAD Program

Sofia Shchukina, a PhD student in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, was awarded funding for the 2023-24 academic year as part of UChicagoGRAD's PhD Advance internship program for her work with NPR's Planet Money.

The PhD Advance program supports students in building new skills and applying their advanced-degree training in an area of professional interest in academia, industry, nonprofits, or government. The internships are student driven and engage students’ academic work. With coaching from UChicagoGRAD, PhD students create their own projects based on their specific interests and needs. They receive a $6,000 stipend for an internship lasting 300 hours.    

The PhD Advance program prioritizes applicants who design customized, project-based internships. Project-based internships are those that engage the intern in a coherent set of responsibilities that progressively build toward a specific deliverable or outcome. Internships involving unrelated, ad-hoc tasks are not considered project-based opportunities. The program also gives preference to internship projects at organizations at which the applicant has no previous affiliation.

For more information about the program and to apply, visit


Welcome incoming Ph.D. students!
(alphabetical listing): Hazal Basaran; Connor Brennan; Joseph Campbell; Seamus Duffy; Sebastian Freed Huici; Alfonso Gauna; Javiera Gazmuri; Ariel Goldszmidt; Maria Del Mar Gomez Ortiz; Jiesheng Hong; Reigner Kane; Hanvit Kim; Philipp Kropp; Neel Lahiri; Yier Ling; Ayman Moazzam; Matthew Neils; Kyunghee Oh; Laura Pittalis; Jose Rishmawi; Amy Smaldone; Marco Spinelli; Rathan Sudheer; Shengning Zhang


Congratulations 2023-2024 Ph.D. Graduates!
2023-2024 PhD graduates (alphabetical listing): Scott Behmer • Maria Ignacia Cuevas de Saint • Santiago Franco • Zhiyu Fu • Michael Galperin • Shanon Hsu-Ming Hsu  Elena Istomina • Ihsan Furkan Kilic • Nadav Kunievsky • Marco Loseto • Nadia Lucas • Sangmin Oh • Aleksei Oskolkov • Estéfano Rubio • Francesco Ruggieri • Sidharth Sah • Marcos Gabriel Sorá • Michael Varley


Postdoctoral Program
The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics is proud to announce its first year (2023-24) of having a postdoctoral program! 

Selected postdoctoral scholars in the program for 2023-24 are Harshil Sahai (PhD '23) and Esperanza Johnson Urrutia (PhD '23). 

Postdoctoral scholars in the program for 2024-25 are Elena Istomina and Shanon Hsuan-Ming Hsu.

STEM Eligibility
The PhD program is STEM eligible for international students.


Divisional Graduate Resources

Find divisional Graduate Resources here.

The Economics PhD Program is administered by:
Kathryn Falzareno
Graduate Student Affairs Administrator
SHFE 510
Phone: 773-702-3026

PhD Admissions Application