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Forum on Teaching in the Core

September 19, 2024

Join College leadership and new and experienced Core instructors to discuss the aims and methods of Core teaching at the tenth annual Forum on Teaching in the Core. The event is open to everyone and is aimed at those teaching in the Humanities and Social Sciences Collegiate Divisions in 2024-25 (particularly those new to the Core), including faculty, instructional professors, lecturers, Harper-Schmidt Fellows, Teaching Fellows, and graduate student instructors.

Please click here to view the event schedule.

September Symposium on Teaching

September 25, 2024

At the beginning of the academic year, new and returning faculty and instructors are invited to join the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning for a series of workshops and discussions focused on teaching at UChicago. Sessions will address the logistics of teaching at the University, designing lectures to support student learning, building trust in the classroom, preparing yourself and your students for a nine-week quarter, and teaching in the generative AI landscape. Lunch will be provided and will include opportunities to learn from experienced faculty and instructors who teach in a variety of disciplines at the University.

Attendees are invited to join the CCTL for all of the sessions or drop in for individual sessions. Please click here to view the event schedule.


September 27, 2024

Teaching@UChicago is the CCTL’s annual orientation event for graduate students at the beginning of their teaching careers at the University of Chicago. This orientation is designed to be useful for graduate students serving as TAs, Interns, and instructors, especially those new to teaching roles at the University. Participants will learn more about resources and strategies for effective teaching, informed by evidence and by reflections from undergraduate learners, graduate student teachers, and CCTL staff. 

This orientation, consisting of a half-day live webinar and a brief asynchronous course, will provide participants with an overview of how teaching works at the University and guidance to develop their pedagogy. They will leave with an improved awareness of the resources available to them, common challenges to overcome, and some concrete strategies to use as a graduate student instructor, with a particular focus on the first day in the classroom, and will identify a set of next steps to take depending on their roles and personal priorities as educators.  

Department of History Welcome Picnic

September 27, 2024

History PhD students, department faculty, affiliated faculty, and staff are invited to join us for a picnic on the Social Sciences Quad to meet new colleagues and reconnect with old colleagues in The Department of History.

To attend, please register by September 18th using the button above. 

Tables, chairs, and lunches will be provided. Rain location, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224.