University Resources
- Campus and Student Life: Search the CSL website for information on activities, programming, and news on campus life at UChicago.
- UChicagoGRAD: UChicagoGRAD is a dedicated resource serving graduate students and postdocs. Counselors at UChicagoGRAD provide a variety of tools and appointment types to prepare students for academic work at UChicago as well as a wide variety of careers after graduation.
- Student Wellness: Student Wellness encompasses medical and counseling services at UChicago. Student Wellness also holds forums and meetings for students to explore topics ranging from stress management to beating winter blues.
- University Bursar: The Bursar’s office can help students plan to meet their financial obligations as well as navigate tax obligations and tuition schedules.
- University Registrar: The Registrar’s office helps students with class registration, ordering transcripts, accessing diplomas, and enrollment verification, among other services.

Photo of UChicago campus in the fall