Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean (WLAC)
The Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean is an interdisciplinary forum and intellectual community for graduate students and faculty whose work and research are focused on Latin America or the Caribbean. The workshop hosts regular presentations of work in progress by students, faculty, and invited guests, as well as special events and gatherings. Participants come from a wide range of disciplines from across the social sciences and humanities, enabling an interdisciplinary conversation and exchange around questions of common interest to those whose work focuses on the region.
Alternate Thursdays, 5–6:30 pm
Center for Latin American Studies, 5828 S University Ave, Pick Hall for International Studies, Room 118
Workshop coordinators for 2023-24: Azucena Garza and Ricardo Soler Rubio
If you would like to present, please send us a working title and brief description of your work (e.g., a dissertation chapter, proposal, an MA thesis, etc.), between 200 and 300 words. Please email your submission to: . The deadline to submit your proposal is Friday, September 13th. If you wish to present during the fall term, we encourage you to send your submission as soon as possible.