CEAS Committee on Chinese Studies

The CEAS Committee on Chinese Studies is comprised of University of Chicago faculty with a scholarly interest in Chinese subjects. The Committee coordinates and supports China-related programs throughout the University and presents a wide variety of China-related outreach activities both on and off campus. It also seeks to partner with other entities locally, regionally, nationally, and globally to build China awareness and strengthen Chinese Studies. The Committee is also responsible for administering CEAS China-related grants and fellowships to University of Chicago students.

Judith Zeitlin serves as Chair of the CEAS Committee on Chinese Studies.

2024-2025 Committee Chair 

  • Judith Zeitlin, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Interim Director of Graduate Studies in TAPS

Committee Members

  • Yao Chen, Director of East Asian Collection, University of Chicago Library
  • Julie Y. Chu, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Social Sciences in the College
  • Paul Copp, Associate Professor in Chinese Religion and Thought, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Jacob Eyferth, Associate Professor in Modern Chinese History in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, History, and the College
  • Ariel Fox, Associate Professor of Chinese Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Donald Harper, Centennial Professor of Chinese Studies, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Paola Iovene, Associate Professor in Chinese Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Yi-Lu Kuo, Associate Instructional Professor in Chinese Language, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Meng Li, Instructional Professor in Chinese Language, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Yung-ti Li, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Wei-Cheng Lin, Associate Professor of Art History and the College
  • Zhaotian Luo, Assistant Professor of Political Science
  • Zhiying Ma, Assistant Professor, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
  • Kenneth Pomeranz, University Professor of Modern Chinese History and the College
  • Johanna Ransmeier, Associate Professor of History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College
  • Haun Saussy, University Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the Committee on Social Thought
  • Edward Shaughnessy, Lorraine J. and Herrlee G. Creel Distinguished Service Professor in Early Chinese Studies, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Laura Skosey, Lecturer in Classical Chinese, East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Lecturer in Ancient Chinese Law, Law School
  • Xiaorong Wang, Associate Instructional Professor in Chinese Language, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Shaoda Wang, Assistant Professor at Harris School of Public Policy
  • Wu Hung, Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor of Art History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College
  • Ming Xiang, Professor of Linguistics
  • Shan Xiang, Associate Instructional Professor in Chinese Language, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Dali Yang, William Claude Reavis Professor of Political Science
  • Jun Yang, Director of Chinese Language Program, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Language, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Alice Yao, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Social Sciences in the College
  • Yujia Ye, Assistant Instructional Professor in Chinese Language, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Alan C.L. Yu, William Colvin Professor of Linguistics and the College
  • Brook Ziporyn, Mircea Eliade Professor of Chinese Religion, Philosophy, and Comparative Thought, Divinity School

CEAS-administered Chinese Studies Grants and Fellowships include support for dissertation research, pre-dissertation research, language study, conference travel, and copy editing.