The David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, Statistics, and the Booth School of Business; Director, Macro Financial Research InitiativeVIEW BIOGRAPHY
James Heckman
The Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and the College; Director of the Center for the Economics of Human Development; Co-Director, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Globa...VIEW BIOGRAPHY
Gary B. Herrigel
Paul Klapper Professor in the College and Division of Social SciencesVIEW BIOGRAPHY
James Hevia
Professor of the College, the New Collegiate Division, and HistoryVIEW BIOGRAPHY
Faith C. Hillis
Professor of History and the College; Director, Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian StudiesVIEW BIOGRAPHY
Kimberly Hoang
Professor of Sociology; Director of Global StudiesVIEW BIOGRAPHY
Guanglei Hong
Professor, Comparative Human Development; Chair, Committee on EducationVIEW BIOGRAPHY
Ali Hortaçsu
The Ralph and Mary Otis Isham Professor in Economics and the CollegeVIEW BIOGRAPHY
William G. Howell
Sydney Stein Professor in American PoliticsVIEW BIOGRAPHY
Adrian D. S. Johns
Allan Grant Maclear Professor of History, the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, and the College; Chair, Department of HistoryVIEW BIOGRAPHY
Greg Kaplan
Alvin H. Baum Professor in Economics and the CollegeVIEW BIOGRAPHY